#MomTheVote is a social media campaign to inspire and energize every mom in the U.S. to use the power of her vote to make a difference in her life, her family’s life, her community, and the world her children will grow up in.

Every mom wants the best for herself and for her family
Throughout this election season, the What to Expect Project will use the hashtag #MomTheVote to inspire and energize every mom to use the power of her voice to make a difference. We’ll break down issues and policies that impact the health, safety, security and economic wellbeing of you and your kids — now, and in the future — including health care, child care and paid family leave.
- #MomTheVote is about encouraging our fellow moms to vote
- not telling them who to vote for (or against)
How do we help make this goal a reality?
To empower you to speak up on issues and vote for candidates 
who vote for you and your family.
To focus on positive change instead of negative partisanship.
Make voting as easy and accessible as possible.
To clear up confusion and sort 
out facts.

Knowledge is power. Voting is power. Having the knowledge to make informed voting decisions is more powerful still.
Heidi Murkoff, Founder
Hope through action. Hope through advocacy. Hope through the vote.
Throughout this election season and beyond, join us in using the hashtag #MomTheVote to spread the word about the importance 
of voting — because the power of your vote can make your life happier, healthier, less stressful and more secure.
Download ToolkitPhotos from #Momthevote 2020