Category: Maternal Health
244 Organizations Sent a Letter In Support of Swiftly Enacting the Historic Maternal Health Investments in the #BuildBackBetter Act
The 244 undersigned organizations, dedicated to the health and well-being of birthing people and their families, write to express our enthusiastic support and appreciation for the maternal health provisions included in the Committee on Energy and Commerce print of the Build Back Better Act. We appreciate the Committee’s demonstrated commitment to addressing our nation’s maternal […]
The Impacts of Climate Change on Alaska Native Maternal Health
Each year, 700 women in the United States die as a result of pregnancy-related complications. In fact, the United States has the highest maternal mortality ratio of all high-income countries—16.7 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. For Indigenous/Alaskan Native women, that number is even higher: Indigenous/Alaska Natives are 2.3 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than their […]
Babu Barta – Month by month guide to a healthy pregnancy (Dec 2016)
Babu Barta – Month by month guide to a healthy pregnancy (April 2016)
Babu Barta: May 2015
‘Babu Barta’ in Partnership with Baby Basics Bangladesh and Spreeha Bangladesh
Spreeha Bangladesh successfully completed the “Babu Barta” project in partnership with the Baby Basics Bangladesh Program under the US State Department and Dnet. “Babu Barta”, the very first book for pregnant and new mothers in Bangla is designed to cater especially to low-income communities suffering from a severe lack of knowledge on prenatal and postnatal […]
Evaluation of Big Belly Business Program Pilot in Liberia
Evaluation Team: Yana Mayevskaya, Eva Noble, Elizabeth Dankenbring, Saydah Williamson Taylor, Cassie Landers, Mark CanaveraMailman School of Public Health, Columbia University – Prepared for the Open Society Foundations 10/20/17 In a setting beset with extreme challenges but also rays of hope, an impressive team of stakeholders conceived and implemented the Big Belly Business (BBB) pilot […]
Tracker: Overall US COVID-19 Vaccination Among Pregnant People aged 18-49
Short-term Reactions Among Pregnant and Lactating Individuals in the First Wave of the COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
Among pregnant participants, any obstetrical symptoms were reported by 346 of 7809 individuals (4.4%) after the first dose and 484 of 6444 individuals (7.5%) after the second dose. Altogether, 6586 pregnant individuals (84.3%) had reported a second vaccine dose at the time of data analysis. Of these, 6244 individuals (94.8%) were still pregnant, while 288 […]