5 Min Read
June 24, 2022
2 Min Read
SCOTUS’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade puts the health, wellbeing, security – indeed the lives – of millions of women nationwide at risk by allowing states to deny them access to vital reproductive healthcare and autonomy over their own bodies, even their right to choose when and if they will be pregnant.
With more at stake than ever, we will work harder than ever to support policies and legislation that will protect all of our sisters, especially those at greatest risk: Black women, rural women, and disadvantaged and marginalized women.
Today we put the health and wellbeing of women at grave risk by denying their access to reproductive rights.
Heidi started the What to Expect Project to empower moms everywhere for a healthy pregnancy and beyond. “Today we put the health and wellbeing of women at grave risk by denying their access to reproductive rights. Make no mistake: the SCOTUS decision will cause our Nation’s already unacceptably high rate of maternal death to rise higher still, especially among Black moms, AI/AN moms, marginalized moms, and rural moms, as well as moms who happen to live in the wrong state at the wrong time. Our crisis of preventable maternal and infant mortality and morbidity will worsen exponentially, as will our devastating crisis of maternal mental health. And remember, when women are at risk – when women are unable to plan healthy pregnancies when and if they choose, when they feel healthy and ready, and when the care they need is readily affordable and accessible — we are all at risk. Reproductive health is the foundation of maternal health, and maternal health is the foundation of all health. The health of our children, our moms, our future generations, and the health and security of our economy depends on us rallying around policies that protect women. And to vote – to vote for lawmakers who vote for women – not against them.” – Heidi Murkoff
Maternal health is the foundation of all health, and when reproductive rights are threatened it puts everyone at risk. SCOTUS’ decision to overturn Roe v. Wade may have you feeling a lot, remember you are not alone, we see you and we are with you. The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline can help – call or text 1-833-943-5746 for HHS’s 24/7, Free, Confidential Hotline.