5 Min Read
May 12, 2023
3 Min Read
We are proud to announce the introduction of a resolution recognizing the work and contributions of doulas towards improving pregnancy, birth, and postpartum outcomes while we are celebrating National Doula Week 2023! We are so grateful to Representatives Ayanna Pressley (MA-07) and Gwen Moore (WI-04) for their leadership and tireless commitment as champions of maternal health.
The resolution:
There is no better investment in our collective future than maternal health – delivering the respectful, responsive, comprehensive continuum of quality care every mom needs to deliver a healthy beginning and a healthy future for herself and the baby she loves.
In 2021, a bipartisan resolution recognizing the crucial work of doulas, passed through the Senate, in close collaboration with the What To Expect Project. The resolution designated the week of May 9th as “National Doula Week” in honor of the dedicated work that doulas provide to help pregnant and postpartum women nationwide. Every mom deserves a doula to help receive the respectful, responsive, comprehensive continuum of quality care needed to deliver a healthy beginning and a healthy future.
“There is no better investment in our collective future than maternal health – delivering the respectful, responsive, comprehensive continuum of quality care every mom needs to deliver a healthy beginning and a healthy future for herself and the baby she loves. Doulas, as I’ve always said, are the missing link in that essential care – delivering continuous physical and emotional support, information and empowerment through pregnancy, birth and beyond, serving as advocates and navigators for moms who otherwise might go unseen and unheard. Most of all, doulas deliver results. Moms who are supported by doulas are less likely to need a c-section or another intervention, to have serious complications, to suffer from postpartum depression or another perinatal mood disorder. With a doula by her side, no mom stands alone. Which is why every mom – especially Black and Brown moms, who face the greatest risks of all when giving birth – deserves a doula.” -Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting and founder of the What to Expect Project
Visit our site www.whattoexpectproject.org for more information.